Saturday 10 May 2014

4 days left to vote on poll

Ladies and gentlemen,
You only have 4 days left to vote on the poll on Connection blog. Please start submit your votes now!

Saturday 26 April 2014

The powerful competition

Yes, connection blog is now etching its way forward in the lead, with 130 views. Following far behind is Kenneth's blog with 72 views and reading task blog with 67 views.
Oh what is this? Another competitor? Yes, the other blogs are catching up.
But connection blog is still confidently in the lead. And still going!
Perhaps we should already call connection blog the winner. But wait, there is still time for the other blogs to catch up (in the number of views).
And this is the latest announcement of the competition so far. Powerful, eh?

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Poll not done and going to 130 views-connection blog

I wonder if anyone can beat the 123 views that connection blog has now

With the next two competitors in the race being heavyweights with views not nearing 100 views, I am just wondering if anyone can beat connection blog.

Poll not done yet

The poll on connection blog would like to express its frustration over the lack of interest in it by our fellow viewers. Hence, in sympathy with its concern, the blog will like to remind its viewers to vote on the poll so that the most favourite blog can be chosen.

Monday 21 April 2014

View count blog becoming a heavyweight?

Recently, view count blog has just reached the 40 view mark. If more people view it, it can  become a heavyweight in no time. Good luck view count blog!

Wednesday 16 April 2014

A 81 views increase on connection blog due to mini competition.

It seems that the mini competition is helping the connection blog solicit more views. This is a benefit of the mini competition.